Sustainable Pulse interview with Axis Farms’ Partner, Mark Sanders, discussing the future of wheat farming in Canada and why they...
Author: Administrator

Indiana intends to prohibit applying dicamba after June 20
NEW PROPOSED RULE: Drift complaints onto sensitive crops, including non-dicamba-tolerant soybeans, prompted Indiana to issue a special label provision requiring...

U.S. sides with Bayer in appeal of Roundup cancer lawsuit
Shares of Monsanto parent Bayer surged on Monday after the U.S. government put itself in the German company’s corner, arguing...

Jeffrey Smith presentation at Makawao Union Church
The New GMOs Are Far Worse Jeffrey Smith to Present a Global Campaign to Prevent the Replacement of Nature by...

Independent Research on GMO Exposure w/ Dr. Joe Ritter
Maui Agriculture Chemical Exposure (M.A.C.E. ) Testing Dr. Joe Ritter, of M.A.C.E. presented at Makawao Union Church in Maui, Hawaii...

Toxic Drift
Considering Kamalani’s location, straight downwind from the farm, “everybody is going to be exposed,” says Warren Porter, a professor of...

Erin Brockovich: We Are Being ‘Slowly Poisoned To Death’ By Monsanto
Erin Brockovich, the environmental consumer advocate, took to the Guardian to proclaim, “The weedkiller in our food is killing us.”1 She has...

Turning Farm Workers Into Farmers
Posted by SHAKA Movement on Monday, December 9, 2019 By Johnny Magdaleno Mr. Magdaleno, who lives in Ecuador and California, writes...

Costa Rica Bans Glyphosate in All Protected Wild Areas
Costa Rica’s National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC) has banned the use of glyphosate herbicides in all protected wild areas...

BREAKING: Monsanto to Plead Guilty to Illegally Spraying Banned Pesticide on Maui
Monsanto Company has agreed to plead guilty to illegally using a banned pesticide known as Penncap-M on research crops at...