Monsanto has settled claims in a proposed class action alleging that it falsely advertised that the active ingredient in Roundup Weed...
Tag: agrochemical
17.122019January 24, 2020

Independent Research on GMO Exposure w/ Dr. Joe Ritter
By AdministratorIn Articles, Featured, Health Reports, Research, VideosTags agrochemical, alexander & baldwin, Atrazine, Ban, Bayer, Chemicals, Environmental Impact, Glyphosate, GMO, Maui, Monsanto, Roundup, SHAKA, Studies, Testing
Maui Agriculture Chemical Exposure (M.A.C.E. ) Testing Dr. Joe Ritter, of M.A.C.E. presented at Makawao Union Church in Maui, Hawaii...
16.122019January 24, 2020

Toxic Drift
By AdministratorIn Articles, Featured, ResearchTags a&b, agrochemical, alexander & baldwin, alika atay, biotech industry, Chlorpyrifos, department of agriculture, dow chemical, earthjustice, elle chochran, EPA, FDA, featured, gary hooser, Glyphosate, GMO, keanie fernandez, kelly king, mark sheehan, Maui, maui county council, Monsanto, Pesticides, restricted use pesticides, riki hokama, Roundup, shaka movement, stacy crivello, Syngenta, toxic, water protectors, yuki lei sugimura
Considering Kamalani’s location, straight downwind from the farm, “everybody is going to be exposed,” says Warren Porter, a professor of...
11.012019January 24, 2020

Voting down the Glypho-Slate
By AdministratorIn Articles, FeaturedTags a&b, agrochemical, alexander & baldwin, alika atay, biotech industry, Chlorpyrifos, department of agriculture, dow chemical, earthjustice, elle chochran, EPA, FDA, featured, gary hooser, Glyphosate, GMO, keanie fernandez, kelly king, mark sheehan, Maui, maui county council, Monsanto, Pesticides, restricted use pesticides, riki hokama, Roundup, shaka movement, stacy crivello, Syngenta, toxic, water protectors, yuki lei sugimura
“Stopping the use of Bayer’s (Monsanto) flagship herbicide Roundup might be perceived as a David and Goliath fight… Posted by...
11.012019January 24, 2020

Glyphosate is totally safe says spokeswoman
By AdministratorIn Articles, Breaking News, Featured, VideosTags a&b, agrochemical, alan arakawa, alexander & baldwin, alika atay, autumn ness, biotech industry, Chlorpyrifos, department of agriculture, don guzman, dow chemical, earthjustice, elle chochran, EPA, FDA, featured, gary hooser, Glyphosate, GMO, hawaii center for food safety, kaniela ing, keanie fernandez, kelly king, lynn decolte, mark sheehan, Maui, maui county council, mike victorino, mike white, Monsanto, old guard, Pesticides, restricted use pesticides, riki hokama, Roundup, roz baker, shaka movement, stacy crivello, standing rock, Syngenta, toxic, tulsi gabbard, water protectors, yuki lei sugimura
10.112018January 24, 2020

Alexander and Baldwin in final stages of land sale, high-ranking state official told farmer group
By AdministratorIn Articles, Breaking News, FeaturedTags a&b, agrochemical, alan arakawa, alexander & baldwin, alika atay, autumn ness, biotech industry, Chlorpyrifos, department of agriculture, don guzman, dow chemical, earthjustice, elle chochran, EPA, FDA, featured, gary hooser, Glyphosate, GMO, hawaii center for food safety, kaniela ing, keanie fernandez, kelly king, lynn decolte, mark sheehan, Maui, maui county council, mike victorino, mike white, Monsanto, old guard, Pesticides, restricted use pesticides, riki hokama, Roundup, roz baker, shaka movement, stacy crivello, standing rock, Syngenta, toxic, tulsi gabbard, water protectors, yuki lei sugimura
“People who live on Maui understand the opportunity that a well-developed plan around food security offers.” “After all… Posted by...
05.112018November 5, 2018

Betrayers of Maui Democracy Ask Voters to Re-Elect Them This November
By MollyIn Articles, Featured, Federal and State Legal CaseTags a&b, agrochemical, alan arakawa, alexander & baldwin, alika atay, autumn ness, biotech industry, Chlorpyrifos, department of agriculture, don guzman, dow chemical, earthjustice, elle chochran, EPA, FDA, featured, gary hooser, Glyphosate, GMO, hawaii center for food safety, kaniela ing, keanie fernandez, kelly king, lynn decolte, mark sheehan, Maui, maui county council, mike victorino, mike white, Monsanto, old guard, Pesticides, restricted use pesticides, riki hokama, Roundup, roz baker, shaka movement, stacy crivello, standing rock, Syngenta, toxic, tulsi gabbard, water protectors, yuki lei sugimura
Arakawa, Victorino, Crivello, and Hokama Enabled Monsanto’s Historic Theft of Voter-Approved GMO Moratorium The public initiative system is a unique...