Two new reports issue indictments of U.S. and global regulatory systems in collusion with chemical companies KATHERINE PAUL, ALTERNET “How...
Tag: GMO

EPA Official Accused of Helping Monsanto `Kill’ Cancer Study
In a follow up to … Monsanto Cancer Suits Turn to EPA Deputy’s ‘Suspicious’ Role here… The Environmental Protection Agency...

Press Release
Shaka Movement Press Release on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals GMO Ruling This is a groundbreaking win for all...

Toxic Shock: The Monsanto Doctrine and GMO-free Farming
During the past decade, five counties in California and three in Hawaii have passed common-sense public-safety laws to protect public...

Holding Monsanto Accountable for Growing Public Outcry Over the Dangers of Glyphosate
Harrington Investments (HII) a socially responsible investment advisory firm based in Napa, California, has reintroduced a resolution to Monsanto...

Hawaii’s Legal Battles Over GMOs Could Also Affect The Mainland
A federal appeals court is weighing whether Hawaii counties have the right to regulate genetically modified crops and impose restrictions...

‘Aina demonstrators rally
Hundreds of people took to the streets of Downtown Honolulu to ‘Iolani Palace on Sunday as part of community rally and...

Mark Sheehan with guest Alika Atay in conversation on KAOI Radio
On Friday April, 15th Mark Sheehan was the Host on KAOI Radio, his guest was Alika Atay. The two spoke...

Hawaii’s Trifecta of GMO Cases May Be Heard By Appeals Court In June
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals may hold hearings in June on three cases related to genetically modified farming...

Court date set, case to be heard in Honolulu
That’s right! Judges from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals will be hearing arguments for SHAKA’s case here in Hawaii....