The New GMOs Are Far Worse Jeffrey Smith to Present a Global Campaign to Prevent the Replacement of Nature by...
Tag: World Health Organization

Final GMO labeling rule does not require labeling of highly refined ingredients from GM crops, if no modified genetic material is detectable
In its final GMO labeling rule – released this morning – the USDA says it will not mandate the labeling...

Global Seed Industry Changes Since 2013
Posted by SHAKA Movement on Monday, December 31, 2018

German Minister for Environment Pushing for End of Glyphosate
The German Federal Minister for the Environment, Svenja Schulze, is calling for pesticide-free compensation areas and a binding date for...

European Court of Justice: Gene-Editing Will be Regulated in Same Way as GMOs
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) today published its ruling on the legal status of food and feed crops derived from certain...

European authorities violated own rules to conclude glyphosate is not carcinogenic
Published: 14 March 2018 New peer-reviewed analysis shows that EFSA and ECHA twice watered down the statistical strength of...

SF debates continued use of pesticides to kill vegetation, rats
“Pesticides are scary.” That’s how Chris Geiger, the Department of the Environment’s toxics reduction coordinator, described at a recent meeting...

Greens/EFA Group Set to Refer Glyphosate Licence Renewal to European Court of Justice
The Greens/EFA group will try to build a majority in the European Parliament to refer the European Commission’s decision to...

Neonatal exposure to a glyphosate based herbicide alters the development of the rat uterus
Highlights •Neonatal exposure to GBH lead to endometrial hyperplasia and increase proliferation. •GBH disrupts proteins involved in uterine organogenetic differentiation....

Monsanto and the Causes of Cancer: Did Former US EPA Official Influence the European Food Safety Authority’s Verdict on Glyphosate Herbicide?
EFSA fails to provide evidence to support its decision to dismiss a key study showing glyphosate is carcinogenic. The European...
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